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Your greatest gift during this time of need is a monetary donation.
CAC can use your monetary donation and double or even triple individual buying power by buying in bulk. We will also purchase the much-needed medical supplies, which can only be purchased through a medical supplier.
Please Give Monetarily Now.
Through your Monetary donations we are able to purchase medicines and medical needs that are so vital to our life-saving mission. Your support is critical to our work of drastically improving the standard of care for all the homeless animals.
If you are purchasing items, please consider only the following items at this time. The supplies needed change periodically. Please check back for updates. Thank you!
Wood Pellet Fuel
Find these at Seright's Ace Hardware, Ziggy's, Badger Bldg Supply, and many grocery stores. Used in place of cat litter.
*No additional additives.
Rescue Disinfectant Wipes
RESCUE is used throughout the shelter to clean/disinfect. On average, we use three 5 gal concentrate containers each month. Order online HERE.
Fancy Feast KITTEN
Chicken or Turkey.
You can find this at grocery, pet, and big box retail stores or order online HERE or Amazon.
Tue-Sat 12-6 pm, Sun 12-4 pm,
Closed Mondays
(Animal Control reclaim available
Mondays from 12-5p)
Phone: 208.772.4019 Fax: 208.762.8645
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1005, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Physical Address:
10275 N Atlas Rd, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Tax-ID number is 82-0334845. Donations are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.