Dog Parks

Community Dog Parks

Doggie playdate!  There are few things in life a dog loves more than running off-leash with his canine comrades. Off-leash parks offer dogs the opportunity to run, play and socialize with their canine friends.

Off-Leash Dog Parks

If your canine companion enjoys social interaction with both dogs and other people and enjoys playing and running around without constraints, then an off-leash dog park may be just the change of pace that would interest your furry friend. Be sure to familiarize yourself with dog park etiquette, rules, best practices and learn about which parks or paddocks are best for your dog’s size and temperament.

  • Atlas Waterfront Dog Park - Atlas Mill Park, CDA
  • Central Bark Dog Park - 3889 W Nez Perce Rd, CDA
  • Cherry Hill Dog Park - 1718 N 15th St, CDA
  • McEuen Dog Park - 504 E Front Ave, CDA
  • Riverstone Dog Park - 1805 Tilford Ln, CDA

For more information on the parks and dog parks in our area visit City of CDA Parks.


**There is a state wide leash law in Idaho.

  • It is the responsibility of the dog owner/guardian to know all the rules and regulations concerning the dog park.
  • Lack of responsible dog or guardian behavior may result in a citation being issued to the owner/guardian.
  • All users of the off-leash area must abide by the posted rules.
  • Owner/guardian of the dog is responsible for cleaning up and properly disposing of dog excrement.
  • Aggressive dogs are not allowed. The handler of any dog exhibiting aggressive or unruly behavior is required to immediately remove the offending animal. The owner/guardian of an unruly dog is fully responsible for the action of the dog.
  • All dogs must be licensed and vaccinated and tags must be attached to the dog's collar.
  • Spayed or neutered dogs recommended. Dogs in heat should not be in the dog park.
  • No more than three dogs per person allowed at one time.
  • Off-leash area will be open from 6 am - 10 pm seven days a week
  • Owner/guardian must have in their possession a leash for each of their dogs.
  • Dogs must be leashed entering and exiting the enclosure.
  • Dogs must be supervised by someone 16 yrs or older.
  • Children under 16 yrs of age must be accompanied by an adult.
  • No food allowed in the dog park.
  • No toys, chairs, water dishes, or trash left behind.
  • Dogs under 4-mo-old and not fully vaccinated should refrain from being in the dog park.
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