Naming a part, or all, of the shelter is a wonderful way to leave an everlasting reminder of your generosity!
The Center offers naming opportunities to fit your needs. Inside and out, we have something for you to show your support. If you are interested in a naming opportunity contact
Vicky Nelson, Development Director, at or 208.772.4019.
Dog Adoption Wing | $250,000 | Sponsored
Dog Sick Room | $100,000 | Available
Puppy Room | $50,000 | Sponsored
Dog Meet/Greet Rooms | $50,000 ea | Sponsored
Dog Nursery | $25,000 | Sponsored
Dog Food Prep Room | $15,000 | Sponsored
Dog Kennel Plaque | $5,000 | Available
Puppy Kennel Plaque
$5,000 |
Waking Trail | $200,000 | Sponsored
Ext. Fenced Meet/Greet Area | $100,000 | Sponsored
Ext. Dog Meet/Greets | $25,000 ea | Sponsored
Ext. Dog Play Group | $25,000 | Sponsored
Ext. Covered Built-In Bench (3) | $20,000 ea | Available
Dog Bone Benches (1) | $4,000 | Available
Dog Waste Station
$500 |
Cat Adoption Wing | $250,000 | Available
Cat Dormitory (lobby facing) | $150,000 | Sponsored
Cat Sick Room | $60,000 | Available
Kitten Room | $50,000 | Sponsored
Cat Meet/Greet Room (2) | $50,000 ea | Sponsored
Cat Dormitorys | $50,000 ea | Sponsored
Small Animal Room | $30,000 | Available
Cat Nursery | $25,000 | Sponsored
Catio (2) | $25,000 ea | Available
Cat Food Prep Room | $15,000 | Available
Ringworm Room | $10,000 | Available
Cat Kennel Plaque | $5,000 | Available
Kitten Kennel Plaque | $5,000 | Available
Small Animal Kennel Plaque
$5,000 |
Building | $2,500,000 | Available
Vet Clinic | $400,000 | Sponsored
Community Room | $250,000 | Sponsored
Lobby | $200,000 | Available
Animal Control | $100,000 | Available
Show Case Rooms | $40,000 ea | Sponsored
Food Storage Room | $20,000 | Available
Grooming Room |
$10,000 |
Tue-Sat 12-6 pm, Sun 12-4 pm,
Closed Mondays
(Animal Control reclaim available
Mondays from 12-5p)
Phone: 208.772.4019 Fax: 208.762.8645
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1005, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Physical Address:
10275 N Atlas Rd, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Tax-ID number is 82-0334845. Donations are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.