Q. Do I have to qualify to use your low-cost spay/neuter clinic?
Our services are provided to the public. There are no eligibility requirements.
Q. How old does my pet have to be for spay/neuter surgery?
All cats and dogs must be at least 16 weeks old.
Q. Can my pet have food or water the night before surgery?
This will ensure that the animal's stomach has emptied by the time he's put under general anesthesia. This lessens the chances that your pet will vomit and aspirate the vomit into his lungs. If your pet has eaten on the morning of surgery, we will refuse surgery.
Q. What time do I need to be there in the morning?
Q. What time do I need to be there for discharge?
This is same day surgery.
Q. What do I need to do if I cannot make my appointment?
If you cannot make your scheduled appointment please call CAC at 208.772.4019 by noon on the Saturday prior to your appointment to cancel/reschedule. There will be no Reschedule Fee for the first appointment reschedule. Reschedule Fee of $20 will be charged for the second appointment reschedule. Voucher is voided (no reimbursement offered) if second rescheduled appointment is missed/canceled.
Q. What do I need to bring the morning of my appointment?
Cats must be in a clean pet carrier, with a towel or blanket, that is safe and secure. One cat per carrier. We will not accept cats in cardboard boxes. **Cats brought in cardboard carriers or cardboard boxes will not be accepted and you will have to reschedule your appointment.
They must be on a leash.
Q. Do you use anesthesia?
Yes! The comfort and safety of the animal is important to us. Our patients are anesthetized with safe anesthetic agents.
Q. Do you use pain medication?
Animals receives pain medication before they feel any pain. All patients receive pain medication before surgery. Additional pain medication is sent home only with dog spays. Pain medication is available for purchase for male dogs or cats. If you are interested in pain medication for your pet, please inquire when you drop them off in the morning.
Q. Do you use a licensed veterinarian?
Our veterinarian is licensed in the State of Idaho and is highly experienced and skilled in high-quality and high-volume surgical techniques.
Q. What is that green line next to my pet's spay incision?
This is a tattoo. All female cats and female dogs receive a small green tattoo adjacent to the incision line. This permanently identifies an animal as sterilized.
Q. What is the recovery period like?
The recovery period is 7-10 days. You need to restrict your pet's activity and keep him/her indoors. Leash-walk your dog for 10 days. Do not allow any free roaming; discourage any running and jumping; limit stair climbing as much as possible. You also need to watch their incision closely. We will give you a complete list of post-op care instructions when you pick up your pet.
Q. Do I need to bring my pet back to have stitches removed?
Unless you are told otherwise, your pet does not have external sutures. All sutures are absorbable. Male cats do not have any sutures.
If you are told that your pet has skin sutures or skin staples, he/she will need to return in 7-10 days to have those removed.
Q. Should I be worried that my pet is licking the incision site?
Yes!! This could cause the wound to re-open and become infected. Your pet needs to have an E-Collar. E-Collars can be taken off when you are able to watch your pet and prevent him/her from licking/chewing the incision. Pets need to wear the E-Collar when you are away, are unable to supervise them, or your are sleeping. A pet can do a great deal of damage to their incision in a short amount of time!
Q. What should I do to keep my pet from licking his incision?
You need an E-collar. CAC sells them for $10.
Q. What if I notice something unusual or have problem after surgery?
It is VERY important that you follow the after-surgery instructions provided to you at discharge during the post-op period. If you think your pet is having a problem, contact your regular veterinarian.
**Male dogs and cats can remain virile for 3-4 weeks after surgery. Keep them confined.
**Female dogs can remain in heat for 7-10 days after spay surgery (if they were in heat during surgery). If your dog was in heat do not allow her near any intact male dogs. Watch her carefully.
Tue-Sat 12-6 pm, Sun 12-4 pm,
Closed Mondays
(Animal Control reclaim available
Mondays from 12-5p)
Phone: 208.772.4019 Fax: 208.762.8645
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1005, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Physical Address:
10275 N Atlas Rd, Hayden, Idaho 83835
Tax-ID number is 82-0334845. Donations are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.